Concert Review
Clearfield County Fair
Clearfield, PA
Wednesday August 2, 2023
Review/Photos: Joseph Suto
Tesla has always been mislabeled. Formed smack dab in the middle of the 1980’s, the band was always lumped in with the so-called hair bands of the era. While their music roots seem to have come to age in the 70’s, the only resemblance to other bands from that era was their long hair and the fact they toured with many of the bands that they were unjustly associated with. They didn’t dress up in fancy costumes nor did they try to become a flavor of the month. The one thing that has always stood out about Tesla is their love of the guitar. Whether it be the fiery assault one hears on “Edison’s Medicine” or the softer acoustic side demonstrated on Top-10 smash “Love Song”. Continue reading