Tesla Rocks Lewiston To The Very Top

Concert Review
Wednesday August 28, 2024
Artpark Mainstage Theater
Lewiston, NY
Review/Photos: Joseph Suto

Tesla made their return to town out at the Artpark MainStage on Wednesday evening. It was their follow-up performance to the show at Seneca Niagara last April. Playing in a better venue made the experience that much better for both band and the fans. Tesla brought along two special guests in Kurt Deimer and STRETCH.

The bad boys from Sacramento have been altering their opening song throughout the summer and decided to slap “Rock Me To The Top” in. What a change of pace and refreshing to hear as the band mixed in a few changes from the last time I saw them. The band always seems to throw some wrinkles to their setlist like they did tonight with not only the opening tune but also added two new songs in “All About Love” and the instrumental “From The Heart”. “Love Me” from their debut was a surprise addition. The only ever so slightly downer was the James Gang cover of “Walk Away”. With more than a dozen gems the band could have played I think most fans would rather hear a Tesla original with two other covers already in the set.

Tesla is one of very few bands I can honestly say have never made a bad album. Sure some are better than the others but their consistency as well as their songwriting style and ability to write from their beliefs have led their albums to be strong. Case in point 1994’s Bust a Nut. With the grunge movement in full swing the album still went gold and hit the top-20 on the albums charts. Quite a feat when all of the other bands from the era were taking a hard hit from grunge.

Tesla are arguably just one of a handful of bands who sound just as good live as they did in their heyday. “When we play live it’s all us. Tesla plays live every night.” stated vocalist Jeff Keith in a recent exclusive interview with us. The band sounded on top of their game Wednesday evening. The show fell into the bands return earlier in the week following a few weeks break. They were fresh, revitalized and delivered one of the best shows that I’ve ever seen from them. For anyone who has yet to see the band or perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve seen them, now is the time.

Kurt Deimer is a name known to many due to his vast interests not only in music but other areas as well including acting. Deimer was in the movie Halloween (2018). He also has a few upcoming roles in soon to be released movies Hellbilly Hollow and Scared To Death. He has also released a few singles and an EP. His full length album is highly anticipated and due in the near future. You can hear the positivity not only in his songs but even his in between song messages. Definitely an up and coming artist to keep an eye on.


Kurt Deimer


Tesla Set List

Rock Me to the Top
Modern Day Cowboy
Hang Tough
All About Love
Walk Away
Forever More
Heaven’s Trail (No Way Out)
Miles Away
Love Me
Call It What You Want
What You Give
From the Heart
Love Song
Little Suzi


About Joseph Suto

Location: Buffalo, NY Photographer/Reviewer
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