Sebastian Bach Leaves Warren, OH Dazzled

Concert Review
Sebastian Bach
Friday May 17, 2024
Packard Music Hall
Warren, OH
Review/Photos: Joseph Suto

Sebastian Bach is back out on the road supporting his brand new album Child Within The Man. It had been ten years since he last released a solo album back with 2014’s Give Em’ Hell. Bach is currently in the midst of his first full tour since 2021. He said “After being locked in our houses for two years… Here I Am..” as introduced one of just many songs from his old band Skid Row.

Kicking things off with the name of the tour What Do I Got To Lose? Bach proceeded to take his fans back to the good old days playing nine songs from the debut Skid Row album as well as three from Slave to the Grind. Make no mistake that Bach can do these songs in his sleep. He pulls no punches about playing backing tracks or even whole shows with a laptop as he grilled Falling In Reverse without mentioning their name about the fiasco where they had to cancel a show due to a lost laptop last year.

Oddly enough it was strange to see the Slave to the Grind cover as a backdrop yet only hearing three from that album. Notable songs that were missing included “Quicksand Jesus”, “In A Darkened Room” and arguably the best song Bach ever laid vocals on “Wasted Time”. Anytime seeing Bach perform is a good time, especially after him not playing many concerts the past two years.

The top highlights of 75-minute set were “18 and Life”, “Monkey Business” where he included a short version of the Rush classic “Tom Sawyer” before going back into “Monkey Business” and the set closer “Youth Gone Wild”. The crowd really came alive during “Youth Gone Wild as you could see fists pumping in the air from the very front of the crowd to all the way in the back.

Bach has assembled a brand new band that also includes his son Paris on drums. Rounding out the band were bassist Clay Eubank and guitarist Brody DeRozie. These guys put on a solid show backing one of the greatest vocalists of our time in Sebastian Bach. Don’t pass up seeing this show if it comes to your neck of the woods.

Set List

What Do I Got to Lose?
Here I Am
Big Guns
Sweet Little Sister
18 and Life
Can’t Stand the Heartache
Piece of Me
Everybody Bleeds
Slave to the Grind
Rattlesnake Shake
The Threat
Monkey Business (Including Tom Sawyer)
I Remember You
Youth Gone Wild

About Joseph Suto

Location: Buffalo, NY Photographer/Reviewer
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